Termín pro podávání projektů prodloužen: Leden 2024

OPSI (Observatory of Public Sector Innovation) při OECD prodlužuje termín pro podání projektů v oblasti inovací mířících na veřejné služby.

Detaily programu:

Submit your project to the 2023 OECD Call for Innovations – this year dedicated to innovation in public services. The 7th edition of our annual call underscores the pivotal role of innovation in the design and delivery of quality public services to better address users’ needs, improve public policy outcomes and build trust in government. In line with the OECD Ministerial Declaration on Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy, special consideration will be given to innovations that place people at the center of public services, with a particular focus on integrating their perspectives and needs at every stage, including in project design, delivery, monitoring, and evaluation.

We welcome submissions of projects that: 

  • Bring about novel approaches, methods, or processes to your organisational context
  • Are implemented, even if early on
  • Improve or are on track to improving outcomes for people and building public trust in institutions
  • Have the public sector integrally involved in the design, delivery, monitoring, or evaluation

Více informací a návod na přihlášení projektu naleznete zde.